當天的導遊兼司機是來自愛丁堡的大叔,大叔開車全程嘴幾乎沒停過,講著蘇格蘭的故事,偶爾穿插些笑話,從8:45 AM 出發講到送我們回愛丁堡約6:15 PM ,超厲害的!
集合地點:Deacon’s House Cafe’, Lawnmarket, Royal Mile(門口有雕像很好認)
門票:除了National Wallace Monument. 進館需另付費,其餘景點免費.
時間:全天 8:30 AM~8:40 AM集合 - 6:00 PM~ 6:30 PM 回程。出發集合回程同地點
(During the winter months of November 2017 through to March 2018, the FREE Scottish Highlands Tour will be running on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays.)
預約時會需要信用卡或Debit Card , 預扣£0.01網頁是寫認證用[2],若當天沒到會被扣每人£17。[3]
([1] If you are unable to attend your tour, you must notify us of this AT LEAST 48 hours in advance of the departure date/time by emailing us at: contact@thehairycoo.com)
([2] To book seats for our ‘FREE Scottish Highlands Tour’; you’ll need a debit/credit card, which we will ‘pre-authorise’ for £0.01. Your card will NOT be charged; just ‘pre-authorised’.)
([2] To book seats for our ‘FREE Scottish Highlands Tour’; you’ll need a debit/credit card, which we will ‘pre-authorise’ for £0.01. Your card will NOT be charged; just ‘pre-authorised’.)
([3] For the 'FREE Highland Tour': If you fail to notify us within the required timeframe; or fail to turn up before tour departure, due to such high demand for this tour, your credit card WILL BE CHARGED £17.00 GBP for each person in your booking party that fails to attend. This is how much it COSTS 'The Hairy Coo' per seat to run the tour.)
World-famous ‘Forth Bridge‘ 福斯橋
第一站我們停靠在New halls rd(South Queensferry EH30 9TA) 導遊說這裡是唯一能一次看3座橋的地方.
這2座分別是白色的Queensferry crossing ,與福斯公路橋 |
福斯橋建於1889年, 世界第一座鋼筋橋樑,現給火車通行用, 世界文化遺產,每年維護費用花費超過£100萬 |
National Wallace Monument in Stirling 威廉斯記念館(蓋在山上高處)
山上的風景 |
進館內需另付費,幾乎都只在外面拍拍照,或停留在山下喝咖啡. |
往山上的路上有不少放置藝術 |
史特靈城堡 Stirling Castle,只在遠處拍拍照 |
The beautiful Lake of Menteith (蘇格蘭唯一的"Lake", 在蘇格蘭 湖的單字是Loch)
Leisurely lunch break in the lovely Highland village of Aberfoyle (中午吃飯的小鎮)
小鎮只有2家餐館 Fish & Chips 是省錢最好選擇:D |
小鎮上的另一個景點羊毛製品中心,裡面像服裝賣場... 沒有驚豔,到是外面像是給羊比賽的場地? |
Little Fawn Falls nature/forest walk (天氣不好沒有去看瀑布)
10月已經是秋天了,不像景色的景色 |
The Lochs, Mountains & Glens of the stunning Trossachs: “Scotland in miniature”
Our exclusive, top-secret, ‘Hairy Coo Off-Road Safari’, feeding the ‘Hairy Coos‘ (此行重頭戲餵蘇格蘭高地牛!)
高地牛(Highland cattle),產於蘇格蘭的家牛,目前在北美洲、澳洲等地皆有飼育。 由於厚重外皮,所以肉脂肪含量比較低,雖然鐵與蛋白質高於其他牛類,但口感較韌. |
導遊提供的紅蘿蔔 |
這牛從小就很帥 |
Loch Katrine, inspiration for Sir Walter Scott’s ‘Lady of the Lake’(卡特琳沽,蘇格蘭知名作家史考特 詩集Lady of the Lake 靈感來源)
蘇格蘭的天氣,時雨偶晴 |
Monty Python/Game of Thrones’/Outlander’s Doune Castle.(杜恩城堡,冰與火之歌 權力遊戲 - 臨冬城場景)
整修不能進入 |
天雨路滑,同行的團友在這裡跌倒,還好沒傷到 |
順著城堡走,附近有小河與麥田? |
看完城堡之後就一路開回愛丁堡,在路上導遊拿出平板請我們填問卷,問卷內容主要問從哪得知此趟行程消息、行程滿意度、導遊司機滿意度...等,若不想填寫把平板傳給下一人就好,回到愛丁堡時間大約6:10 PM。或許問卷提到此趟行程價值£57,所以我看大家小費都給不少,雖然導遊真的很厲害,在開車期間一路講!